Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration

Posted on November 17, 2020 in: General News

Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration

Our Lady of Guadalupe Presentation 

( Para leer en español, vea a continuación.)

Join us for a presentation of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Friday, December 11th at 6:30 – 7:30 pm at  All Saints Annex- Auditorium.

We will talk about the history of Mexico at the time of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego. 

Hear about the meaning of the apparition, its significance, the image imprinted on the Tilma, and the many other mysteries enclosed within.


Únase a nosotros para una presentación de la aparición de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe el viernes 11 de diciembre a las 6:30 - 7:30 pm en el Anexo.


The inscription below the painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe in our church reads:  “In Thanksgiving. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Schulte and Family.” The story behind the gift is one of answered prayer.


In thanksgiving, Oscar and Ida, gifted the oil painting, the exact size as the original mantel of Juan Diego. Their daughter had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. The Schulte’s traveled to California to be with their daughter promising to make a pilgrimage to the Guadalupe Shrine in Mexico City if their daughter recovered. Prior to surgery, the tumor on the brain disappeared. Not only did they make a pilgrimage to Mexico, they returned to commission the painting from Senor Francisco Camps-Ribera and presented it to All Saints in 1964.


The painting holds messages for us today. First, just by looking at the woman, her skin speaks of a mixed race, a young mestiza woman, containing elements of the native Americans in Mexico at the time as well as some European complexion. Her message is for EVERYONE…one of unity. She has parted straight hair down the middle, a sign to the Aztecs that a woman was a virgin waiting to be married, yet she is also wearing a belt right below her chest, a sign indicating that she is pregnant.   She is clothed in the stars, with the sun at her back, the moon under her feet, and crown of stars on her head (see Revelation 12:1). Other symbols include nine flowers pointing towards the womb, and a single four-petaled jasmine flower that is one of the highest symbols for the Aztecs. By its location on Mary, she is saying that she is the mother of the “sun god”, the Mother of God. The star pattern on Mary’s cloak aligns to how the stars would be in comparison to the Earth on the morning of Dec 12, 1531, looking down at the stars as if from space (not looking up at the stars from earth).