FULFILLED - the promise of Christian Life - Video Series

Posted on September 21, 2021 in: General News

FULFILLED - the promise of Christian Life - Video Series

What is your deepest desire? 

What does your heart ache for? 

Come find out!


Tuesday Mornings 9:00am - 10:30am in the School Library

Join us and Christopher West for his series entitled, "Fulfilled."  

 We have 7 spots available for this series that will run for 12 weeks - beginning Tuesday, Oct 5th - Tuesday, December 21st.  

Provided for you will be a study guide, a peaceful place and open hearts to discuss and learn together. This is open to both men and women, parents and grandparents alike.  Drop your children off at school and come for study, inspiration, and prayer.  

 "Christ probes our hearts with a question: “What are you looking for?” (John 1:38).

Christianity is not primarily a religion of law, as it is so frequently considered. It is first and foremost a religion of longing. The purpose of God’s law is to point our longing toward real satisfaction and away from the counterfeits. The “whole life of the good Christian is a holy longing,” wrote Saint Augustine. “That is our life, to be trained by longing.”

In this life-changing series, Christopher West takes you on an eye-opening tour of the first pillar of the Catechism of the Catholic Church – beginning with the “ache” of human longing and ending with a vision of the Creed like you’ve never heard – and in the process demonstrates beyond any shadow of a doubt that Christianity is not the backward list of prohibitions it is so often assumed to be. Rather it’s the religion of desire that holds out to us the hope of infinite bliss and fulfillment."

In fact, Christopher begins this series with a discussion on the movie, The Shawshenk Redemption.  It happens to be one of my all time faves!  

Please let me know soon that you'll join me and I will reserve your study guide! We will be accepting a donation to defray the cost of the materials.  

I know my heart longs to be Fulfilled, does yours?

Mary Grace Villmer CRE


636-397-1440 ext 235