Members of All Saints Ministry Organizations are parishioners who help the parish in many ways - developing a program, getting it off the ground, evaluating its progress, making changes, and calling others to serve.  The work is diverse, keeping the parish vibrant, and responsive to living the Catolic Faith.  Our six ministry categories cross the parish community and the world:

  • Worship and Liturgy
  • Parish Life
  • Education & Lifelong Learning
  • Youth
  • Outreach
  • Parish Operation and Fundraising

Some groups may have guidelines and a leadership structure, others may be more loosely organized, but what's important is the rich contribution parish ministries and their members make to our faith community.

Below is a complete list of our parish Ministries and Organizations.  Click on any one of them to find contact information, mission statement, duties, special skills and time commitment involved in in that particular ministry. 


Directory of All Saints Parish Ministries and Organizations


(Parish Life)

Contact: Cathie Blattner 314-537-6644

Mission Statement: To journey with fellow parishioners as they seek to grow in their relationship with God; for as Jesus said, “Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name.  There I am.”

Duties: The Holy Spirit is the primary director; the human spiritual director simply tries to assist the directee to be open and available to God’s grace. 

Time Commitment: In Spiritual Direction a person meets with a spiritual director, or guide, about once a month in order to foster a deeper relationship with God.

Special Skills:  Willingness to take time to focus on one’s spiritual life leading to a much greater awareness of God’s presence, not just at Mass or in prayer, but in one’s daily life circumstances and human relationships.   All of one’s inner struggles, pains, and joys of being human are welcome.