Volunteer Opportunities

Posted on February 14, 2018 in: General News

Fr. Don is looking for 3 People

Want to be part of a team?

Be on your own schedule? Get items for our oral and silent auctions for the Parish Picnic?

Willing to contact local businesses about supporting the Parish Picnic? (We have a list.)

Pick up items for the auctions?

Drop an email to Fr. Don or call, westerd@allsaints-stpeters.org, 636.397.1440 x 223.

Room at the Inn

Room at the Inn seeking volunteers. 

Do you enjoy cooking and serving others?

Room at the Inn is looking for volunteers that can help with the evening meal a couple of times a year.

All Saints hosts up to 20 guests on the 3rd Monday of every month.

One of our goals is to serve our guests a hot, nutritional meal on the evening they spend with us.

Volunteers can stay and share the evening meal with our guests (if you have completed Protecting God’s Children class) or drop off their food item.

Can you commit 2 – 4 hours in 2018 to help with Room at the Inn?

If interested or need more details, please call me (preferably after 5pm). Carrie Strand (314) 740-9307.

Fish Fry 


Beginning Friday, Feb 16th and continuing through March 23rd, the All Saints Knights of Columbus will sponsor their annual fish fry in the Parish Center.

Many volunteers are needed to make this endeavor a success which benefits financially not only the KC Council but also the full time school and PSR.

Positions are available to work in the Parish Center serving food to our walk-in/eat in customers or in the Music Room filling orders for our carry-out and drivein customers.

The shifts run 4-6 PM and 6-8 PM which includes clean up at the close of serving at 7 PM.

Protecting God's Children and certification is required for this event. Click here to sign-up online to help or by contact Jeanne Sitz at 636-397-1440, ext 296/ 636-240-6740/314-304-6368 or Mary Grace Villmer at 636-397-1440, ext 235. Please consider joining us in this worthwhile project for as many shifts as your time allows.

Thank you for your volunteerism. 

Belize Mission Trip


If you’re looking for a life-changing experience this summer, consider traveling to Belize with our Mission Team June 2-11th. We need many hands to work on construction projects, volunteer in schools, and distribute donations.

Take a moment to read these comments from a few volunteers who just returned from Belize!

For additional information contact Ann Lacker at 636- 734-7005 or annlacker@gmail.com.