40 Hours of Adoration


40 Hours of Adoration—Special Lenten Prayer

Friday, March 23—Sunday, March 25 Commemorating the 40 days our Lord spent in the desert, we will hold Adoration in church for 40 continuous hours (except during Mass).

We invite you to spend time in silence in the Lord’s presence and also to participate in one of the various prayer hours listed here.

**PLEASE NOTE** We will also need many adorers to commit to an hour of Adoration this weekend.

Please consider signing up on the board in church or contacting Emily Banks at bankse@allsaints-stpeters.org.

Hours include Friday 5pm--Midnight; Saturday 12am-8am, 9am-5pm, 6pm-Midnight; and Sunday 12am-6am, and 1pm-6pm. 

Friday, March 23

5pm - Exposition and Evening Prayer Immerse yourself in the psalms and prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours

7pm - Stations of the Cross This devotion commemorates Jesus’ journey from condemnation to his death.

9pm - Praying in the Garden with Jesus with Fr. Bob Experience prayerful reflections on the Old Testament prophecies and how they are fulfilled in Jesus’ life. (Biblical passages provided)

Saturday, March 24

11:30am - Daytime Prayer with Fr. Peter Immerse yourself in the psalms and prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours

4pm – Reconciliation 4:15pm – Rosary with the Knights of Columbus

6:15pm - Taizé Prayer Taize Prayer centers on simple, beautiful music, silence, and reflection. A great way to quiet your mind and have a personal conversation with God.

8pm – Divine Mercy Chaplet in Song and other Music. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet in song and listen to other beautiful music composed by Todd Mesler, Jr.

Sunday, March 25

1:15pm - Lectio Divina with Fr. Don Experience the scriptures in a deeper way through reading, meditation, and prayer that promotes communion with God and increases your knowledge of God's Word.

4pm - Praise and Worship with Youth

5:30pm - Closing and Benediction Enter into worship surrounded by an engaging music experience.