Addiction Novena July 9-17

Posted on July 03, 2018 in: General News


Please help pray a novena from July 9th – 17th for those suffering from Addiction. This novena will correspond with a sequence of nine Masses read for those suffering from addiction. Please put the names of any and all persons you know that are affected by addiction into the petition box by the St. Josephs altar. Those persons will be the focus for this novena.

Dear God,

We come to You and pray for those suffering with addiction (especially_________) .

Give them a strong desire to change and the strength and courage to overcome their addiction.

We ask in the name of Jesus, that You will bind the enemy and the evil that has taken over their lives; so they may be the person You have called them to be.

Lord, protect us and our families at this difficult time. Send your Holy Spirit upon us; give us the words to speak to them and the ears to listen without judgement, the eyes to see them with a love like yours, and a heart filled with mercy and forgiveness. Wrap your loving arms around them oh Lord, protect them and bring them back to you.

Thank you, oh good and gracious God, for always hearing our prayers. Amen

Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.