The Parish currently has volunteer opportunities for the following ministries:


WHO: YOU!! (Protecting God’s Children compliant & background check)

WHEN: Fridays in Lent 3:45 to 5:45 or 5:45 to 8:00 pm (includes clean up)

WHY: Have fun with friends & meet other parishioners while fundraising money for school & PSR!!

WHAT: Clean tables, fill orders, serve food, do dishes, etc.

WHERE: All Saints Parish Center

HOW: Use ‘Sign Up Genius’ to reserve a date and shift of your choice. Please note we will be sending the link soon, it is currently updating!! 


There is a need for more adult volunteers to lead the children in prayer and ask “wonder” questions about the readings for the Sunday liturgy.

WHO: A compassionate, caring, faith-filled adult or married couple who loves children and is PGC compliant with a background check (paid by the parish).

WHEN: Once a month, with a trained adult.

PREPARATION: Read, pray the week’s gospel with the text provided to you at no cost.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Arrive 20 minutes before Mass to set up the room, meet with the other adult, come forward when the priest calls for the adults and children, proclaim the Word, as “wonder” questions (all are provided, bring the children back to the church or the gym.

Interested!! Contact Karen Mesler @ 636-397-1440, x235 or Carol White @ 


Since 2005, the Belize mission experience has enriched the lives of nearly 200 volunteers. We are inspired by families who are happy living without many things that we take for granted.

Construction volunteers are needed to help build a house in a remote village near Guatemala, where teachers who live far from the school can stay during the week. We will also visit elementary schools to provide hands-on activities in a variety of subjects with an emphasis on expressive arts.

Our education curriculum is a little lighter in June as our focus is expressive arts, religion activities, STEM, and health lessons. Consider sharing your creative, artistic, dramatic, and musical talents with children in Belize. We also need volunteers to assist teachers and distribute items donated by our parish and community. If you enjoy working with children but don’t consider yourself a “teacher”, this is the perfect mission trip for you!

The timing of the June trip allows parents and children over the age of sixteen to share an incredibly rewarding experience. As an added bonus, this year’s trip does not conflict with the parish picnic!

Please help All Saints Parish continue our mission to build friendships and change lives in southern Belize. If you are interested in joining us, contact Ann Lacker at or 636-734-7005.


  • Saturday evennings after the 5:00 p.m. Mass
  • Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to noon, a 2 hour shift
  • Monday mornings 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. to count inventory

To volunteer, contact Karen Meglio or Diane Valentine  636-397-1440 ext. 304

Gym Mass Set-Up Families

  • Set-up before 10:30 Mass

To volunteer, contact Emily Banks 636-397-1440 ext. 302

Vocation Chalice Families

  • Be a part of the Vocation Chalice Apostolate--Host the vocation chalice in your home for a week

To volunteer, contact Kelly Henry at or 636-751-1691 

Middle School Ministry

  • Parents or adults to help plan montly Middle School Ministry evenings

To volunteer, contact Ricky Willmann