Click to download: Holy Sprit Novena 2018

In preparation for the Feast of Pentecost, a celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Church, please join with our community in praying the Holy Spirit Novena! It is a powerful and moving novena that is meant to help us open ourselves to the third person of the Holy Trinity.

A novena is a prayer for nine days. This practice of praying a novena reaches back to the earliest days of Christianity when the apostles and those gathered in the Upper Room waited and prayed for the Father’s promise. It was nine days of praying and waiting before the wind blew, the doors shook, and tongues of fire came to rest on the head of each one present. They became confident and inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

Open your heart to the presence of the Holy Spirit. When you prepare to pray, either alone or with others, close your eyes and shut out distractions. Invite God into a conversation, and spend some time in the quiet.  Then pray aloud the prayer of that day.

After praying aloud the prayer, close your eyes and quietly listen to the voice of God within you. Have an intimate conversation with Him as names, situations, and opportunities come to your mind and heart.  The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is within you and has the power to lead you into what is to be done. Have confidence that God will direct you and give you strength.  Practice stillness and quiet, and He will speak and inspire you.