
What is the Fortnight for Freedom?

Each year dioceses around the country arrange special events to highlight the importance of defending religious freedom. The Fortnight for Freedom is from June 21—the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More—to July 4, Independence Day.

Pray, Reflect, Act

We are called to follow Christ as missionary disciples by seeking the truth, serving others, and living our faith in all that we do. Let us take a few moments each day from June 21 - July 4 to pray, reflect, and take action on religious liberty, both here in this country and abroad.

June 21

Pray That the Lord would protect all migrants and refugees, and that all those who work with people on the move would be free to serve. 


June 22

Pray Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, pray that we would be servants of our country, but God’s first.


June 23

Pray That nurses, doctors, therapists, and all ministers of healing would be strengthened by the Holy Spirit in their imitation of Christ’s compassion and care for the sick.


June 24

Pray That the Holy Spirit would give us the courage to bear witness to the truth of the Gospel, even in the face of social and legal pressure. 


June 25

Pray That all Christians would have the courage to serve God with our whole lives and to live out our faith with boldness and compassion. 


June 26

Pray That the Spirit of Wisdom would illumine our minds and open our hearts, as we seek to know the truth about God and to live in the fullness of that truth. 


June 27

Pray For our sisters and brothers in the Middle East; that through the intercession of the Apostles, who established these most ancient churches, Christians and all religious minorities would be freed from violent persecution. 


June 28

Pray That Catholic schools would have freedom to teach and bear witness to the truth about God and creation. 


June 29

Pray That the Church would have the space to carry out her mission of service and mercy for the whole world.


June 30

Pray For children awaiting adoptive parents, for the caregivers who selflessly serve those children, and for the families who are seeking to adopt; that they will find strength & support from the Church.


July 1

Pray That the Holy Spirit would give all Christians the courage and humility to serve Christ by serving the vulnerable.


July 2

Pray That the Church and all religious institutions would have the freedom to contribute to the flourishing of our society. 


July 3

Pray That through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, all people in Mexico will have the freedom to live out their faith.


July 4

Pray That we would work to build a culture that recognizes and respects the dignity and freedom of all people.